Remember Linus? He was the little guy in the Charlie Brown comic strip that always had his blanket and he kicked up lots of dust.
The lady says that Opie is like Linus because he is so sweet and endearing. He still meows like a little kitten (even though he is 3 years old), his purrs are more like an emotional display and his whiskers are so cute - they curl. And, finally, Opie cannot seem to do a single thing to get his fly away hair under control - it just sticks out wherever it wants to.
And Garfield! Opie is like Garfield because he eats so much! Opie never forgets to show up at 5pm for the canned food, gobble all of his share down and wait impatiently for Shielynn and I to finish up so he can clean our plates, too. Opie will eat anything!
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