Hey, Max A. Million here. You wouldn't believe what happened today.
My person has been telling me that it was time for my summer
haircut, but I didn't
pay too much attention - I had
other things on my
mind like cat naps, eating the delicious food she gives me and getting
petted. Well, early this afternnon I heard a familiar voice and
BOY, did I ever recognize it! I tried to run and hide, but my
person caught me and off I went for an experience that I really
First I had this buzz thing scrape off my hair. It was so loud and
boy, try hearing it with cat ears, people just don't realize how awful
the noise really is. Anyways, I had to endure getting my hair
buzzed off with that thing. Finally, it was over and I thought
thank goodness, we're done, now I can go back home.
The groomer person got out clippers! Yikes! So, I had
to have my claws clipped. Then it was getting the hair trimmed on
my foot pads. So, I endured it - after all, it wasn't nearly as bad as
the buzzing clippers.
Now I was ready to go back home.
Did that groomer person let me? NOOOOO.
I got plunked in a tub of water, lathered and rinsed. Ohhh YUCK.
Finally, finally, the groomer person stopped the water torture. I
got a chance to shake off, then he had the nerve to turn on this blower
thing - of course it made noise.
To tell you the truth, I would have given the whole ordeal one big
sniff of disapproval except for the fact that I got my person to
scratch me when I finally got back home and you know what? I
could feel my person petting me! It was just amazing.
I like the short hair cut, but not the ordeal to get it. Do you
have any
suggestions on how to keep my hair short without the help of
Here's my new "do".